When I first read this I imagined myself an oddball for finding the idea of being in a coffin disturbing. Now I've gone back and read the comments.
I've also come to term with my own preferences. There was a time in my life when all I had to occupy my brain was reading except I lost so much focus through grief, I couldn't make any sense of words on a page.
Instead, I wrote.
My focus returned a long time ago. Writing has superseded reading although I still love to read. I can read anywhere. I simply shut out the world. Hyper focus. My husband finds it very strange. I don't hear a thing he says If I'm reading when he talks to me.
Writing is when I need the world to go away. I'm thinking a long prison term would fill my needs nicely.
Not too happy about having to commit a terrible crime to get myself in position. I'm sure there's someone worthy of murdering though. I can think of several politicians who would make good victims.
I really like a nice bath though. Prisons don't have tubs so far as I know.
Happy holidays Michelle.
I enjoy your work very much.