We have, as Americans, so many issues.
This latest killing sorts out where we need to make the biggest changes. Who we hire to police our citizens shouldn't come from a pool of over testosteroned and aggressive bullies. Guns should never have entered the picture with Massey.
She was tiny. She was either distracted to the point of confusion or fearful to the same point. I wonder if the shooter told her to drop the pot of water. There was a moment where she seemed to be trying to figure out what to do with it
No way she could have hurled the water over the counter to reach the cop where he stood a good five feet away, possibly farther. He could have backed up. In fact he told her he was backing up in case she tried to get him with the water
That cop wasn't interested in making peace and that's who we need in so many situations when the police are called.
Cop was bothered that it took her 3 minutes to open her door. She was looking for her robe.
Don't inconvenience a cop. Sonya didn't know that putting on a robe would be the tipping point. I hope they throw the book at him. I hope all of the poor souls this dirty cop hassled over his career will come forward and create a dossier or his behavior.
A rage filled bully should not be policing anyone.