Vanessa- Whew! Tackling what is likely the most controversial subject.
I used to skate around the spiritual but not religious idea myself. I was just fearful of letting my freak flag fly...a little bit of that has to do with living in the South and having been brought up with a devoutly Catholic mother who couldn't express her faith in the face of scrutiny.
I have gray hair now, which for some reason emboldens me. I call myself an atheist but I don't walk around with it printed on my shirt. A person's personal paradigm is their own business. I'm not going to share mine with some random person ESPECIALLY when they want to Bless Me or pray for me.
So, I smile and say thank you and move along.
I appreciate a deep conversation with anyone and religion isn't off the board. But when the person I'm talking to starts looking for my devil horns the conversation is over.