This show is my #1 guilty pleasure. I've watched it since the beginning. I find the Mormons fascinating, in all of their aspects. Even the straight-up Salt Lake City Mormons have the wacky ideas about getting non-believers into heaven after they've died, the funny underwear and their super secret weddings and off limits temples. I'm not religious so this is just a different flavor of Kool-aid to me.
To watch this family, so "out there" in their belief that polygamy is the way to get everyone together after death be so "normal" (no prairie dresses and bouffant braids) and Kody with his rock and roll hair and UGH those white shirts with the black graphic on one side or on the back not to mention the aforementioned two-seater sport's's reality TV at its most lurid. Love it!
I honestly don't get upset about any of it. I think there is honesty in the way each character is presented. Kody has always looked exactly like, sounded exactly like and acted exactly like the total douche-bag that he is.
Mary was his first sexual relationship that he had to marry to bed. Janelle gave him someone who agreed with him to talk to. And she was OH SO FERTILE. Christine was the airy-fairy who wanted to play instead of being serious and she was also OH SO FERTILE. Then, just as Kody was slipping into middle-age he got to have a penny-new sexual partner guilt free. What an arrangement!
I think Robyn is committed to being in the plural marriage, a sweetheart who fell in love with Kody because her first husband was worse. I feel bad that she will one day wake up and see who it is she is legally married to now. oh no!
I think Covid has divided the family--just like it's divided folks in this country. One side of the family feels one way and the other side another.
Kody is a figurehead that nobody respects. If he's not careful the family will loose their lucrative gig and his lifestyle will have to scale back.