There is something magical when an older teen chooses to interact with a younger teen. When my daughter was in high school, one of the more forward thinking teachers started (or maybe just instituted) a program called PALS. Don't remember but the LS stood for but the PA was Peer Assistance. The high school kids got a pass to leave campus and travel to the middle school where they would sit and have lunch, in the lunchroom, with kids who were being bullied or otherwise harassed.
My daughter took it seriously. She always chose a girl to mentor and since my daughter was pretty damned cool, her Pal always benefitted from being around her. Add to this that my daughter has great empathy and studied a little about kids who were living in fucked up homes. She was an admirable mentor.
The teacher that started the program had stiff rules for the high school kids. If you got caught bullying anyone you were out. No drugs or alcohol. The teacher took the high school kids camping and other fun things.
I don't know if this program still exists. I hope it does.