Rosy, I think, in general, writing fiction makes Medium less friendly. (I primarily write fiction). I read your beach story and wanted to make this comment: I had to look up the word smelt. In American English this word is a blunder but my google search indicates it's often used in British English.
Since Medium is primarily an American site (both writers and readers) you will face judgement on using a word like smelt. It sounds, and excuse me, I'm not trying to be insensitive, like a hillbilly word. I imagine there might be readers who would stop reading your story when faced with the word.
Like some might quit reading if they encounter expletives.
Don't we always have to play at least a small amount to our audience? That said, one of my favorite writers here is John Tinney who is from Glasgow and he sometimes writes in his local colloquial voice. His work is funny, clever and his use of words American ears aren't used to hearing really works because this runs through his stories in their entirety.
The way he uses dialog allows the reader to fully enter his world. My brain becomes Glaswegian when I read his work.
I enjoyed your story and I'm now following you. Keep writing Rosy Gee!