My little girl is in her thirties. The idea of filling a landfill with disposables back in our diaper days, was a horrible thought so I used cloth. The diapers themselves were not expensive: it was the wool diaper covers. I remember having five to use for each size. Sometimes there would be shit on the covers so I traded a dirty for a clean and washed them, let them air dry, every day. Seems like we saved a lot on disposables and I recall that I sold the covers to a friend. It’s funny but I no longer care how old she was when we finished potty training. She’s been potty trained for years. She never had a diaper rash as she let me know when she was wet or dirty. It woke her up or she fussed. I figured out how to change diapers with both eyes closed, asleep and with one hand tied behind my back. Always used disposables when we traveled because who wants to travel with muddy poo containers. We were too broke to do much going out. Diapering became my hobby, then later my main focus in life. I’m over it now but I truly feel your pain.