My first question is "What you got?". One of the ways I make a living is selling old things on ebay. I've been around long enough to know what has value and what probably never will. Send me some pictures and I'll give you free advice!
My Mom let me clean out her home when she got too old to be safe living alone in a rural area. She gave me so many great items to sell, many that had been packed into boxes for forty years. She was glad I made some money and she kept her favorite things.
After she died, my siblings and I took turns choosing from her nicest things and each of us stopped when there was nothing more that we wanted. Turns out one of my middle brothers was far more sentimental that me...but that's probably the way it is in lots of families
We packed up what was leftover and hauled it to to her church rummage sale and they made a room of honor with just her things. What was left fetched her church around 1000.
My Mom had the same sort of ordinary things as anyone else. But people like to collect their past and one old lady's ice bucket is another man's sexy sixties barware.