My first marriage was in 1978 and I was 22. I had always disliked my last name so I changed it to his which bears the flavor of my ancestors. My first husband could have cared less. He died in 2002.
I struggled after his death to find my bearings, to figure out who I was without him. I’m Judy McLain. Our daughter has this last name.
When I remarried a few years ago I kept McLain. I like having the same last name as my daughter. She got married two years ago. She is McLain still. Her husband could have cared less.
I walked her down the aisle (a rug laid out on the beach) to the tune of “You Don’t Own Me”.
I doubt they will have kids. When they do I’m campaigning for the kid to have a combo of both of their names. It will be 17 letters long. Lol.
The whole name change for marriage thing is antiquated and that 72 % think women should take their husband’s name makes me cringe.
I got remarried because I needed his corporate health insurance. I didn’t need to be married. We had already lived together for years.
As Forrest Gump said, “I know what love is.”
It doesn’t have anything to do with a legal document.