Jan, I hope this article of yours has more reads than the claps indicate.
I will be amazed if we get it together in time. I supposed I feel like there just isn’t anyone out there who is charismatic enough to pull it off.
Oh, Hillary (cue sad music) how I love(d) thee. Low on charisma she still managed to get the popular vote, which says something about the voting population of our nation. Basket of deplorables. Really? Think it, don’t freaking say it out loud!!!
It seems so hard for us liberals to really get out minds around much of what makes Americans american. I still, I believe that people have a streak of goodness that runs through them that makes Donald Trump’s popularity inconceivable. I will never get it. Grab ’em by the pussy. Really?
I’d vote for your Aunt Matilda.
Aunt Matilda, please stand up. Soon it will be too late. Or is it already?
So hard to stay optimistic. I’m too old for this shit.