James, Let me high five your soul. Take my virtual hug, please. I've not been writing for a bit. My best friend...she was in Texas and I'm in Florida, recently died. Her husband is a piece of shit who called a mortuary and hasn't made any move to pick up her ashes. He didn't give out any details of her life to the mortuary so her obituary simply gives a lot of "unknown"s.
My friend was an amazing woman, so complicated and nuanced and I've been stuck on paragraph one in my own private eulogy. Your story of fighting the flu alone and fighting for your friend is giving me what I need to complete the paragraph and more.
As I slip further and further into my sixties I'm appreciating my relationships more and more. My husband and I are looking for a new home soon, moving away from Florida to North Carolina. Our new home will have more than one roof so a few of our friends with nobody to look after them later, will have a roof. Come on people, open your hearts to whomever crosses your path in a way that gets your attention!!!!! Include some young people! Rents are so high...