Ready for these a88hats to finish boiling over. Surely their pot will dry out soon.
Every generational iteration of these fascist, oppressive, out-of-touch-and-struggling-to-keep ---up with our enlightened world, members of the religious white have fewer and fewer adherents.
Yes, when they get loud it's easy to think that we "woke" folk are losing ground. The old boy network is relying on the stupidity and ignorance of those who simply can't handle ANY deviation from what they see as the norm.
Funny though, in so many cases the norm is a cover-up of their disturbing social and sexual dysfunction.
Meanwhile, humanity keeps evolving. Media, social-media, even TIKTOK chips away at those same old, dried-up scared, pathetic out-of-touch pillars of some imaginary society. The last time this imaginary society had relevance was on black-and-white TV during the early 60s.
Personally, I will never quit pushing back.
I know there is still much ground to be gained. I know folks like Miller scream loud but somehow 90% of those who scream loud also get outed for the inner creep they've closeted. (not sure what the actual stats are on how often these idiots get caught with someone other than their wife, how often their computer hard drive's betray their prurient interests. Maybe 90% is too low...)
Will things get worse? Now when they scream, more and more folks who flatly disagree with their bigotry and hate push back even harder.
We've come a long way. We still have further to go and maybe the far right will always feel safe to stand on their hate podiums. Aren't bullies always quite sure that everyone agrees with them?