It’s so nice to hear of your neighborhood of diversity. Even here in Jacksonville, Florida, where I’ve personally heard people saying horrible things about people of different ethnic backgrounds and of different religions, my neighborhood/street is pretty much the same as yours.
Russians, Albanians, Mexicans, Iranians, mixed race families, a Black family with three generations under their roof, a family with a gay son, senior whites (me and my husband), and a lady from Japan. Until recently, before he passed away we had a World War II veteran and a Vietnam vet living right next door to each other. There is an older Lesbian lady with the most enviable lawn and garden I’ve ever seen. She does all of her own yard work and decorates for every holiday!
Although it is a modest little neighborhood I’ve seen Hummers, BMW’s, my 2002 Toyota truck, a guy who collects vintage military vehicles and an assortment of work vehicles. The man across the street has the local satellite dish dealership so his vehicles have his store’s logos. Next to us are a father and son, both originally from Guatemala, who both work for an electrician and they drive company vans. Even what we drive has diversity!