in response to your response to Plume de Poison
Ad hominem attacks? I put your name into a search here because of your unkind attempt to hurt Shannon Ashley's feelings. You didn't say much to her except to accuse her of being a professional victim. Then you blocked her. Now you can block me! I'm fine never to read another word you've written since you seem to be pretty damned mean-spirited.
It really isn't hard to be a nicer person. When you wake up in the morning you decide to choose happiness and put a smile on your face. It feels lovely. And you try not to make others feel bad with your actions and word venom. Why are you so angry???? Who did what to you to make you such a bully???
Finding this article about Hillary Clinton when I searched for you to see what kind of a writer you are since you were ugly to my friend, didn't surprise me.