I wonder, Michelle, does your husband launch into his hypochondria. trying to outrank you, when/if you are ill?
Last year, out of the blue, I devloped psoriasis. Not a small thing, I was diagnose with a severe case and was lieterally covered with thousands of itchy plaques. Disgusting, painful and distressing. My step-daughter came over and after seeing me insisted that I look at the bug bite she had on her ankle.
Now I'm taking a drug that lowers my immune response so I'm probably going to have to mask forever. Oh, and I can't get in the sun anymore without lots of precautions. I have to buy expensive sun block from a medical supply. Step-daughter was going to be helping her Dad out in our yard and asked to use my sun block.
Sorry, but no.
Guess I'm sounding like a hypochondriac now.
Hearing that your husband's skin affliction came off in the shower really made me laugh, so thanks for that!