I wonder, if you add up the time Sophie's Dad has actually spent with her, does it add up to even a month of days? She's nine. How do the days actually add up to being a parent.
They don't.
A man with seven biological children? How many does he support financially? It should be all seven.
This person obviously has a problem with sperm accountability.
Being a Dad means taking it seriously, every day of the year. Not twice in a blue moon.
I think Sophie is grappling with the fact that she has a person who is her father but who is not her parent. It is dawning on her that your life might be easier were he to help, even in the most minimal ways.
She is a compassionate child who is finally old enough to see past her own needs and what she sees is the impact his lack of care has created.
She isn't blind, not stupid which is what she would have to be to think that his role is commensurate with yours.
When you can't do something for her, she hears you apologizing and she knows if you could, you would. On the other had she is faced with this understanding of the reality of her situation.
He won't be able to recreate any kind of bullshit that will convince her otherwise. Halle fucking luja. One step ahead for Sophie when she goes into her own romantic relationships. She won't have any struggle as regards that, I think.
This is what he is doing to himself. Leave him to his own weak devices.
Maybe there is a place for Sophie and her siblings to come together some how. I know there is bitterness with his past relationships/baby mamas as regards you but maybe that can change, if not now but when these kids are old enough to seek each other out.
Phew, Shannon. What a fool your ex is. Look at who he overlooks in favor of his own myopia.