I will never understand the attitude of some people when it comes to creatives being able to make money from their talents.
I got my degree in fine art. There was an attitude that there was something dirty about “crafts” that were obvious salable commodities. I had more than one professor tell me I was “too talented” to go into crafts. Being a studio artist and expecting to do anything but tote your work around to galleries to be rejected for years is very much a pipe dream. Making it big in that world just doesn’t happen to enough artists that it is a real thing.
My professors never offered up how to make a living. Why would they? They had gallery presence because they had shows at the university. They made bigsalaries with their teaching jobs.
I finally figured it out. I made very creative ceramics and sold my work at arts and crafts shows. For my first ten years out of college though, I worked a nine to five that I hated, that wasn’t creative and did nothing but pay the bills.