I was single when I was in my forties after a 24 year marriage to my first husband who died.
I agree very much with your list except for the flowers paragraph. I see a similar frame of mind in another responder’s comment. She was also widowed.
I think there are men that give flowers because it is an easy thing to give without giving it much thought. Flowers from my now second husband are anything but.
I was always deeply in love with my first husband. He never gave me flowers. He believed I was “too smart” for all of that.
My second husband, who sent me flowers before we ever met in person (online beginnings), gives me flowers all the time. He knows I love flowers and he picks out what he thinks are beautiful. He gives me a gift that is about beauty and the way that makes him feel.
I’ve really enjoyed learning what he thinks is beautiful. It has a lot of significance because apparently he thinks I’m beautiful too.