I live in Jacksonville. Even though our county went blue in the election we still see plenty of nut bag Trumpists. Most recently a man who lives on our street added a fancy horn to his vehicle. It plays "Dixie". His next door neighbors are black. Our neighborhood is very diverse and yet this douche bag just does whatever offensive thing he wants with no concern for anyone else. He sounds his horn daily when coming home from work. He is emboldened by his support of Trump.
My husband and I are both in our sixties. We both have other health issues which make us prime candidates to die from Covid. So, we try to stay safe. Yesterday, someone selling window replacements knocked on my door. Through my peephole I could see he wasn't wearing a mask so I didn't open my door to speak to him.
DeSantis has his head so far up Trump's ass I don't think things will change here. Even when they finally drag Trump out of the White House, people around here will likely still be big fans and DeSantis will stick to his clueless position believing that Trump will run again in 2024.
To the responder who asks why the article's subject doesn't just change things and go somewhere else, not everyone can so easily pull up stakes and head for greener, more liberal pastures. My husband is a few years from retirement and we've based our financial plan on his continuing his employment until he retires. We own a home here. He works for the state (oddly, works for the health department) and the state is not doing much towards keeping their employees safe at all. Employees have been given hand sanitizer and masks. When a fellow employee tested positive last week only the two people whose desks are in proximity were sent home to self-quarantine.
It is just plain scary.
I haven't left my house except for a blood test and a single Dr's appointment since the beginning of March. My husband is as careful as possible but I still daily feel like soon the pandemic will affect him as he goes about his daily work routine.