I guess at least a little bit of this attitude has to do with people's perception of what has value.
I think of my maternal grandmother who lived with my family from the time she was 85 until she died at 90.
She was unsteady on her feet, her eyesight was poor and she forgot little things on a daily basis, such as turning off the stove top when she was done with it.
She was still bright enough to play along when we watched jeopardy, she still read the newspaper every day and she shared her memories with me. I used to love to sit and talk with her and ask her questions. She had lived quite a life and I learned so much from her.
She was a loving great-grand-mother to my brother's kids.
My Mom lived to be 88 and was really together until she turned 87. It was a hard year watching her decline. The thing is, she was cognizant of how much she was losing and that is what made it so hard to watch.
I plan to sit on a back porch in the mountains, and feel the breeze on my face. If I can't still type on a keyboard I'll speak my stories into a tape recorder. Or maybe I'll have a grandchild who will hang on my every word.
Every time I see Joe Biden enter a room I see a man who is full of energy, not the bloated old fart that Trump is. Biden cuts a trim and elegant figure. I could care less if he has to search for a word now and then. He sure put Peter Doocy in his place like a champ!