I agree with you about this mental illness of hers being “end stage”. We’ve seen her going up and down for a very long time.
There have been quiet, thoughtful moments where she seemed to have self-reflected and then her behavior devolves into all of the shrill, hard, mean spirited moments.
There were things about her comedy I really liked. A lot of it had to do with the people she surrounded herself with. I think Laurie Metcalf is wonderful. John Goodman too.
There is a line from her show that I use when company shows up unexpectedly-
“Excuse the mess but we live here.”
There is a realness about her that I found quite poignant. And now there is also a lot I find truly repugnant.
The sad part for me is that I think she will some day regret her bad behavior. And she has been so public and said such heinous, unkind things…and I believe she is capable of being kind and thoughtful…she will hurt all the worse.
I used to really love her old show and watched the re-runs. Now? I just can’t.
Just like Cosby. Just like Woody Allen.
When people show me who they are…
Thinking about Roseanne is symptomatic of where the world is right now. Even a sad, sick, former sit-com actor causes us to choose a lane.
I’m going to go ahead and just blame Trump.