He told Amber Frey that his wife died before she was dead and told Amber that this would be his first Christmas without his wife. He told her this well before Christmas. He said Laci was fine with him having an affair. Usually, when a woman is starting a family she wants her husband to herself. I haven't heard a single person say Laci was crazy nor have I heard that she practiced some sort of alternative lifestyle like polyamory.
If the burglar suspects robbed the house and killed her why wouldn't they have just left her body behind? Harder to murder and remove a body than to just leave it. How would their crimes be less traceable if they didn't clean up afterwards? We're not talking wiping away bootprints or fingerprints. The clean-up was so well done there wasn't any evidence left behind. That sort of clean up takes time and is not what you would do if you were a burglar (which is typically an in and out fast sort of crime.)
Porn channel added within a few weeks of her death. What kind of grief is that???
He seems guilty to me....