Hard for me to dismiss the first season...It aired during my first year of college and everyone I knew felt like it defined us. Nobody had TV so we all gathered at the TV in our common area. It was a scene.
I still watch today. I'm 65...maybe that rounds out the entire experience for you youngsters.
I can't get enough of Chad, (Pete Davidson is a complicated delight) loved Phil Hartman for the same reason. My favorite was his anal retentive chef, but my absolute favorite is Amy Poehler as Kaitlin (the scene where she wants to get her ears pierced.) That character explains why I don't like children. Genius. I think she took off from where Gilda, as Judy Miller, left off. May she rest in peace.
Speaking of resting in peace, Chris Farley. I think the character I'm thinking of had Chris's name. He interviewed famous people by asking them if they remembered...and would re-tell some well known event in their lives. Fat guy in a little coat. Aw, Chris.