Good for you for sticking to your policy.
I admit, I used to cook and shamelessly used my skills in the kitchen to entice my husband into marrying me !
Two years ago I announced I was hanging up my apron. At that point I figured I'd been cooking dinner and making breakfasts and lunches for forty years and I was so sick of it I was about to explode.
My husband has taken this like the great guy he is. He now does almost all of the cooking (which includes a lot of heating things up and throwing things in the microwave). So long as I don't have to cook I don't really care what we eat.
He's such a cool guy he even tries to cook things he knows I like!
Every now and then he makes a meal from scratch. His specialty is lemon chicken. It's really tasty. Why should I have deprived such a great guy of the motivation to learn a new skill?