Bebe, I'm so sorry for your loss. If the tenants of the two low rent houses could be convinced that they should save their 350.00 in a repairs account instead of paying you rent that you would be willing to let them live rent free for a year. After they've proven they can save the money (and they now have 4200.00 in the bank) you would then deed them each the property they are living in.
At that point you've done something charitable to help them and shown them the way (kind of like teaching them to fish instead of giving them a meal). If they have children point out to them what they can leave their children if they simply use what.
If they fail you've done your best. My Mom died with unsellable and undeveloped property in her estate. It was a lot of land but had no road access...good for a hunting lease and little else...but we would have to pay taxes on it. We cut our losses and deeded it back to the county. Clean break.
If you Mom got her independence from owning the property then it served its purpose in your and your siblings lives.
97...what a long life. I hope she was as happy as possible during as many years as possible.