Judy McLain
Feb 28, 2022

As a person who has struggled to pay bills, I am a good tipper. I no longer go out to eat (pandemic & auto-immune situation) I still tip over 20%. Because maybe my tip will compensate for the asshole before me. I'm not rich. I'm no longer struggling to pay my bills unless something big breaks down. I can't figure out how me giving someone else that little bit extra is going to change my life for the worse. Someone else not having a crap night at work is my bonus score.

If you have lots of money, why in the world would you not want to be generous? Money isn't everything, not by a far stretch, but it is something, especially when you don't have enough.

Thanks for writing this. Hopefully, some rich douche will read it.

Judy McLain
Judy McLain

Written by Judy McLain

Shit Creek survivor. Storyteller. Feminist liberal. Southern without the accent. Chihuahuaist.

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