Judy McLain
4 min readJul 8, 2021


A few thoughts from way out in left field. I say way out in left field because that is exactly where I'm almost always coming from, so you "regular folks" can take it all with a grain of salt. OK, enough with the cliches.

Shannon, I do not suffer fools (OK, another cliche) and in your list of Top Boy Writers, I don't think I'm following a single one. If I am its ancient history but I certainly didn't follow them because of a self-help article. I don't see the point in reading self-help stories. It turns me off. I don't see the need for listening to anyone I don't personally know who has no vested interest in me as a person. It all ends up being a bunch of blah, blah, blah. It seems sort of lazy and reminds me of those guys I knew in college who were planning on being lawyers because they could make a lot of money that way. Always disappointing to find out how shallow some people can be. Shallowness is inexplicable to me. Life is such a rich, deep experience.

I'm not naive enough to think that the stats are wrong about the most popular aisle of brick and mortar book stores being the self help aisle. I've always assumed that the people who write self help just don't have anything more within them.

I started reading YOU because you are interesting and have a unique point of view based on your life. It fills me with wonder how you've realized this talent when you been thrown such a shit hand in life. Your struggle is REAL. It's not porn. I see you as a survivor with something unique, amazing and uplifting to share.

Nobody here on Medium, other than a small handful of people really reads my work. I write fiction. Jeez--I used to think that writing fiction was kind of special but it is so undervalued here on Medium I've had to rethink that point of view. (not really!)

I usually create one work of fiction a week for Medium. I read here a lot. There are so many great writers who gain no traction here. So, when you talk about popularity I understand it but it means nothing to me. Makes me wonder if I could find out what all of the most popular kids from my high school are doing now that I might find a pretty lame list of life pursuits. I never cared about them then and I don't care about them now unless they've risen above that overrated status they once claimed.

As a 65 year old woman, I've learned in my life that a good man is a rare thing. Men aren't usually raised to be empathetic. I'm guessing that if I list the men I read here on Medium most people will not have read their work. I guess I have a few in the popular category (James Finn, kurt gasbarra, Umair Haique) that are wonderful, thoughtful writers with a voice of their own who don't make bank by telling people things they should already know. One of these three is a quirky poet, one a voice for the LGBTQ community and Umair is a political writer.

I have a variety of topics I read about, I don't just read fiction.

You should know that recently the only thing I've written that got more than around 300 claps was a response I wrote to one of your articles about your struggles with lipedema and about needing some help getting the liposuction surgery. People not only read your work but they even read the comments!

I don't know exactly why your writing about needing help hasn't gained more traction for you. I was hoping it would bring in some extra money for you. I was hoping that your followers would dig deep into their pockets.

I know readership has fallen off here on Medium. I know how "all in" you've gone and I certainly understand where you are at in terms of your health, your fears, your frustrations. I want to be encouraging and positive.

I wish I somehow express FULLY, it's not you Shannon, it's them. These boys you are speaking about aren't handing out advice because of some intense need to help the world. I'm afraid it's really just how they make their living. Altruism isn't a big part of their motivation as far as I can tell. I guess if one of these big writers would cough up in a major way I'd write a retraction. Not that they will ever see this. I'm guessing though, that enough people read your work that this might become my next big hit on Medium.

So, I'll say it again. Shannon is in between a rock and a hard place (another cliche!) and if everyone could spread the word and send a few bucks her life will be easier and better and you can go to sleep knowing that you helped.

It's the right thing to do.



Judy McLain
Judy McLain

Written by Judy McLain

Shit Creek survivor. Storyteller. Feminist liberal. Southern without the accent. Chihuahuaist.

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